Monday, December 26, 2011

Headphones Buzzin' While I Make Pancakes?

Let me start off this post saying I've never seen someone go so hard on a rap while making some pancakes. I tried this once with Egos and burnt the Egos -_- so I'm going to stick with blogging. The below video is of a Kansas City, Missouri rapper who goes by the name Mac Lethal rapping over Chris Brown's "Look At Me Now" while making some pancakes in his kitchen and this guy is fast. He released this video the beginning of the month and within days got millions of views which has led him to a few interviews. He raps so fast you have no choice for your headphones to be buzzed. Are you able to rap while you make some random food item? Have you ever rapped while making some random food? Can you do it as fast as him? Check out the video below and prepare for your headphones to buzz.

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